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2239896 - Crash at hos_mem.cxx db_IndexDef::CloseSIndex during LOAD TABLE - SAP IQ


  • SAP IQ 16 running LOAD TABLE statement throws a Non Fatal hos_mem internal error at hos_memexception::hos_memexception, with stack call sequence as follows:

I. 08/15 02:04:16. 0000122584 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
I. 08/15 02:04:16. 0000122584 ** at oslib/hos_mem.cxx:2825 on thread 177 (TID 38)
***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584
===== Thread Number 177 (IQ connID: 0000122584) =====
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0x0 (0x26, 0x100000000)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe436c3f8 void StackTraceForThisThread(const char*,int,const char*,const char*,const char*)+0x3c4(0x0, 0xb09e6b40040)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe462a277 hs_dp::~hs_dp()+0x22b(0x0, 0x2aadb480a0)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe464bf28 __SLIP.DELETER__FB+0x14(0x2a05a3e548, 0x2b4a0941c8)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe51036b6 void db_IndexDef::CloseSIndex(s_index*,int)+0x1de(0xfffffd7fec0cb5e0, 0x27)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe3a92099 void dfe_BaseColumn::CloseSIndex(int)+0x49(0x2a4b224c88, 0x0)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe3a6d574 void df_Table::CloseSIndex(int)+0x3c(0xed, 0xfffffd7fec0cb618)

  • This leads to a secondary Double Throw abort crash of the IQ server , with stack call sequence as follows...

I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 Double Throw
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 Exception Thrown from oslib/hos_mem.cxx:2825, Err# 12, tid 38 origtid 38
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216 (df_Exception); SQLCode: -1006000, SQLState: 'QBA00', Severity: 23
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 [20238]: IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.
-- (oslib/hos_mem.cxx 2825)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe40502e7 void hos_ABORT(const char*,unsigned,const hos_exception&,char*,char*)+0x6b3(0x0, 0x401e4f69600)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe434b34d void Throw(const hos_exception&)+0x849(0x0, 0x0)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe5103a57 void db_IndexDef::CloseSIndex(s_index*,int)+0x57f(0x0, 0x1)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe3a92099 void dfe_BaseColumn::CloseSIndex(int)+0x49(0x1, 0x2acbd01538)
I. 08/15 02:04:17. 0000122584 pc: 0xfffffd7fe3aa196c __SLIP.DELETER__Y+0x108(0x298d9f0560, 0x2acbd01538)





SAP IQ 16.0


KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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