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2240783 - MAWB not being held to proper format standards when entering number not found in stock and checking Allow MAWB No. [VIDEO]


When entering a Master Air Waybill (MAWB) number in a Freight Booking (FB) that does not exist in stock, it gives the option to check Allow MAWB No. and save anyway. This non-stock MAWB is not held to the proper format standards for an air waybill.



  • SAP TM 9.0 SP 11, 9.1 SP 4, and later


SAP Transportation Management 9.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.4


master air waybill, air waybill, waybill, master air waybill number, air waybill number, waybill stock, stock, air waybill stock, AWB, MAWB, MAWB No., Allow MAWB No., format, standard, fb, freight booking, booking, freight unit, fu, forwarding order, fwo, sap tm, sap transportation management, transportation management, gscnawest_video , KBA , video , gscnawest_video , TM-FRM-FRB , Freight Booking , Problem

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