The HR rep for 1000 people is John Smith.
100 compensation forms are launched and then a few days later John Smith leaves his job mid-cycle and Mary Jones takes his position.
How do we most simply replace John Smith with Mary Jones on these 100 forms in the Compensation Administration step which is directed to “HR Rep”?
1. John is the HR rep and forms are launched
2. One the forms are post HR rep step, John resignes and Mary takes over
3. We now have to download the UDF (From Admin Center > Update User Information > Employee Export)
4. Update Mary's Name where ever applicable in the Spreadsheet
5. Save and upload the UDF csv file back in to the system (Admin Center > Update User Information > Employee Import)
Now that the data is updated, we need to update the forms. For that, we need to route the forms back to one step and re process.
6. Go to Admin Center > Search "Route Form" in the tool search box
7. Select search by as Form Template
8. Select the Form Template name and click search
9. All the forms that are launched using that template will be listed and you can select and click next to proceed and make necessary changes to the steps
KBA , LOD-SF-CMP , Compensation Management , How To