When generating a report in LMS, it returns data as expected but when previewing the same report in PRD, it fails to return data. The following error is generated:
Caused by: Cannot get the result set metadata. SQL statement does not return a ResultSet object.
SQL error #1:java.sql.SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported JDBC-Type: -102
SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS) - All Supported Versions
Reproducing the Issue
- For example, export the User Item History Audit Report (CSV) report from LMS and open within the Plateau Report Designer.
- Set the proper credentials within the data source being used.
- Open the data set and select the preview tab. Error is generated.
There is a date/time value within a date field/column which is not support within the jdbc driver.
To correct this you will need to open the SQL within the data set, identify the date column in question and replace it with the line below which should correct the problem.
to_char(<date column in question>,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as CREATED_DATE
PRD error, Cannot get the result set metadata,, SQL statement does not return a ResultSet object, java.sql.SQLException, Unsupported JDBC-Type: -102, date column, to_char , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , LOD-SF-LMS-PRD , VJDBC Setup or Connection Issues , Problem