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2241406 - Targeted CR List for ASE 15.7 SP64


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) EBF/SP or PL releases. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release. 

CR NumberDescription
727134 Reduce the use of MASTER..SYSDATABASES scans in order to avoid high SPINLOCK contention on "DEFAULT DATA CACHE" in some cases.
744567 KBA 2082000 - Improve HK Chores cleanup processing after errors.
754736 When starting an SAP ASE server up with hundreds of engines, the CPU utilization is high and the server seems to hang.
757038 Sometimes, error 7705 could be raised unexpectedly for LIKE predicate with ESCAPE clause if there is a same letter in LIKE and ESCAPE clause, but one is an upper case letter and the other is a lower case letter.
762178 When ansinull is off, an incorrect NULL value row could be returned when an equi-join under an OR predicate is on two columns with NULL values and the final plan is using a special OR strategy plan for the OR predicate. An example of such an OR predicate is "t1.col1 IN (1,2,t2.col2)".
766427 The indexes created internally for the replication of text/image columns are system objects and they cannot be renamed by executing the system stored procedure sp_rename.
768198 KBA 2090289. In rare circumstances, when the number of OAM pages for a table exceeds the value of 32767, SAP ASE may hit a stack overflow error with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_allocoam' and 'pg__cond_insertoam' reported in the error log.
770867 KBA 2136574 : A 2601 error, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object ' < table_name > ' with unique index ‘ < index_name > ’" may be reported for an APL table that is marked for replication when SAP Rep Server attempts to insert a row on the standby database. Alternatively a 9275 error, "RepAgent( < database_id > ): Could not locate the before image for the INSERT log record at ( < page_number > , < row_number > ).’" may be reported in the SAP ASE error log. In both cases this will result in the replication stream to be stopped.
772000 The message "timeslice -501, current process infected" in the module 'plc__discard' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'xact__rollbackxact' and 'finishlog' may be reported in the error log when a multi-database transaction is executed in chained mode whereby the option dml_logging=minimal is enabled and while a DML command is rolled back following an error encountered.
772045 SAP ASE Application context built-in functions may report an unexpected permissions error.
773638 In large, highly concurrent environments, SAP ASE may, under specific circumstances, cease to elect large ( > 1 page) IO and instead revert to regular (1 page) IO for asynchronous pre-fetch (APF) for a cache. The specific circumstances include that a single table is very frequently accessed, that the table does not fit into its named cache, causing cache misses and that the workload is such that the plans include large IO and APF.
774211 A 3935 error, “Fatal protocol error. xact_beginupdate() API was invoked in the wrong context. The transaction is currently in 'Command-attached' state.” may be reported when a DML query is executed which includes an expression that references the reserve_identity() built-in.
775030 KBA 2117888. Sometimes, if temp tables change in between two batch insert calls via jdbc, then we might have a situation where we point to memory that has been freed, leading to either of following errors : 705, 706, 707, 715 or Error 719 or similar error related to memory free, having stacktrace of batch_loopend - > s_copytmps - > memfree.
776090 KBA 2114230. In rare circumstances, the message "timeslice, current process infected" in the module 'qualpage' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'dol_def_update' and 'xls_getnext' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when an UPDATE statement is run in deferred mode. At boot recovery or load transaction time a 3301 error, "Invalid log record found in syslogs (logop < value > )", may be reported. Alternatively during data consistency checks a 7928 error, "Index < name > is not consistent; found < n-1 > leaf rows but < n > data rows. Drop and recreate the index." may be reported.
776222 KBA 2111076. A 644 error, "Index row entry for data row id ( < page# > , < row# > ) is missing from index page < page# > of index id < value > of table ' < name > ' in database 'name'. Xactid is ( < page# > , < row# > ) ). Drop and re-create the index.", may be reported on little-endian platforms when a clustered index on a Data Only Locked table permits duplicate keys and the index refers to pages of which the hex value of lowest two bytes is 0xffff.
776287 The message “ERROR: Can't get a new log page in db < > . num_left= < > num_in_plc= < > .” may be reported few times in the error log followed by a 3475 error, “There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database ' < > ' (id < > ). This process will retry at intervals of one minute.”, when the count of the log records in the Private Log Cache went negative due to an internal error.
776692 KBA 2112862 - suser_name() may display incorrect user name after a cross database execute as owner stored procedure is executed from a parent stored procedure.
777119 An infected with 11 (SIGSEGV), stack trace, and server panic from a call to kbfalloc may occur when SAP ASE is under a heavy load of login connections and network password encryption is used by the connections.
777210 A 631 error, "The length of < > passed to delete row routine for the row at offset < > is incorrect on the following page of database ' < > ' ... The offset should be no greater than < > .", in the module 'rec_undo_session' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeBulkOpOpen' and 'xact_rollback' may be reported in the error log when a table is encrypted and eligible for incremental transfer and BCP utility is used to load data into it.
777895 KBA 2154406 - A 6103 error, "Unable to do cleanup for the killed process; received Msg < message_num > " followed by the error, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, when executing sort on a worktable.
778227 set proxy inside a regular stored procedure clears the session user's roles after execution of the procedure.
778531 Add additional diagnostics for Global Allocation MAP (GAM) status issues.
778707 In rare circumstances the partial rollback of a transaction (command rollback) may take a lot longer than the transaction itself, or more sections of the transaction can be rolled back than those affected by the partial rollback.
781099 KBA 2143875 : SAP ASE goes into an infinite loop during index creation with parallel hashstats enabled.
782006 A new error message 140064, "ERROR in < module_name > for plc < 0x > ... " is created to qualify for a shared memory dump condition in case wrong number of log records are moved during PLC discard which may result in wrong count in PLC. Additionally new error message 140063, "ERROR in < module_name > for plc < 0x > ... " is created to qualify for a shared memory dump condition in case of wrong PLC count or wrong log record size in PLC while the PLC is flushed to syslogs. These messages are printed in the error log. These errors may result in error 3475.
782102 A 3475 error, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database ' < dbname > '", can sometimes be reported if the current process or other processes in the system are executing minimally logged DMLs on tables having TEXT/IMAGE columns.
782222 The fix for CR 776287 is redesigned not to take corrective actions in the context of error 3475.
782571 Addition of validation checks for a session's User Log Cache when log records are added or removed from it, so as to manage error handling in case any inconsistencies are found.
782871 KBA 2164927 : In some circumstances, a query on the monLock MDA table may cause some running processes to be infected by timeslice errors.
782880 KBA 2165280 - A 10350 error, "Permission related internal error was encountered. Unable to continue", may be reported when executing DML statements on tables with encrypted column having decrypt default on columns 64 and above.
783665 The PCA/JVM default configuration settings have been changed to disable File I/O opeartions for the temporary directory option 'pca_jvm_tmp_dir' and the working directory option 'pca_jvm_work_dir'.
783667 The PCA/JVM provided Secure Class loader will deny executing methods that request to load dynamic shared libraries by default.
786618 KBA 2192618: On AIX Platform, xpserver fails to start with error messages: "exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program xpserver because of the following errors: 0509-150 Dependent module could not be loaded. 0509-022 Cannot load module 0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist." This shared object is not distributed with SAP ASE or the SAP Connectivity SDK.
788080 On the IBM AIX platform, xp_cmdshell executions may fail with the error message: "Could not load library < $SYBASE > / < $SYBASE_ASE > /lib/"



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 SP64
  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 Cluster Edition


"Change Request", Fix, Patch, Error, Bug, EBF, SP , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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