The Following section under Feed Sources display the text as Person.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to the Feed work center.
2. Go to the Feed Sources floor plan.
3. Select People under Following.
4. For the Employee name system uses the term Person.
We have Service Agents as well (other than Employee) who can login to C4C and hence in Feed Sources they have been generically named as Person.
This is the expected behavior of the SAP Cloud for Customer.
However you have below option to change the text using Language Adaptation tool.
- Go to Administrator work center.
- Go to the General Settings view.
- Select & open the Language Adaptations.
- Open the existing Language adaptation or create a new one (if already not there).
- Under Text Pool Selection facet, there are some checkboxes for each work center.
- Select the checkbox with work center ID /BYD_COD/UIInfrastructure/FEED/COD_FEED_WCF.WCF.uiwoc and work center name as Feed.
- Select the Collect Texts button on top.
- Select the Ok in the pop-up screen saying This can take a few minutes.
- Once the process is complete, select the UI Texts facet and filter for Person.
- Provide the target text for it and select Save.
- Refresh and check Feed Sources.
The term Person will get changed with new customized text.
KBA , LOD-CRM-EMP , Employee , How To
SAP Cloud for Customer 1511 ; SAP Cloud for Customer 1602 ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1511 ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1602 ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1708 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1708