SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2242018 - 900-001-6 error while sending a Job Requisition to the next/previous approver - Recruiting Management


This article explains why you may get the error 900-001-6 when trying to send a requisition to the previous/next approver.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management

Reproducing the Issue

While sending a pre-approved job requisition to the next/previous approver, you receive the following error message:

Your request has not been processed successfully. Please try again.

If the problem persists, please contact client support and provide the event code and the server timestamp below.

900-001-6   Date/Time   Release build XYZ

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Note: This is a general error code and could mean other errors than just the documented below. If you are unable to determine the issue based on the possible cause documented here, please open a case with Cloud Product Support to research further.

  1. It may be possible that the next or previous approver in the route map is inactive in the system.
  2. Another potential cause of this error is that there is no due date defined on the requisition.
  3. An Operator on the requisition maybe spelled incorrectly on the Job Requisition Template. 
  4. If issue is happening to specific location or language, there is a blank custom translation in Manage Language.
  5. Job Profile is in use, and the user sending to the next step doesn't have the Job Profile permissions.


1. Inactive User

You will need to check in the audit trail who is the user that you are trying to send the requisition and also check what is his role.

After you have the information of who is the user and what is his role, you can either:

  • Make the user active again to complete the approval process and set the user to inactive again,
  • Reassign the job requisition to another active user (using the tool "Reassign Job Requisition" in Admin Center),
  • If the inactive user was the originator, you can copy the requisition and continue the approval process, as it is not possible to use the Reassign Job Requisition for the originator role.

2. No Due Date defined on Requisition

Another possible cause of this error is because the job requisition in question does not have a due date defined. You will need to check the Audit Trail of the requisition to see if a Due Date has been defined when the requisition was created.

As the due date cannot be edited and can only be set in the creation of a requisition, you will need to duplicate the requisition and make sure the correct due date is defined.

Now follow the process up to the point where the error was being received by the user.

3. Operator Spelled incorrectly 

Check the XML Template to ensure that the operators name are in line with the implementation guide.

4. Blank custom translation in Manage Language

Export the existing custom translation for specific language in Manage Language. Filter the column B with blank. Supply the locale translation in blank field or remove the blank row then re-import the file.

5. Job Profile permissions

In order to be able to see the Job Profile information, it requires the permissions below. After granting these permissions to the users, they will be able to move the job requisition forward.


See Also

2836727 - 900-001-6 Received When Opening a Job Requisition


900-001-6, approver, error, due date, pre-approved, send, requisition, String index out of range: 0 , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions