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2242507 - HANA out of memory problem while using Smart Data Access


You are using HANA Smart Data Access to fetch a large amount of data form a remote database and to process them within the HANA database. You are on HANA DB revision 85.02 or lower. During the processing of the data from the remote database, the used memory of HANA is continuously rising and the memory is not released back afterwards. In the end, you run into an out of memory problem. The memory allocator pool/itab which includes temporary column store results is consuming most of the memory.



You are using HANA database on revision 85.02 or lower. You are also using HANA Smart Data Access.


SAP HANA, platform edition all versions


HANA out of memory, pool/itab, memory leak, smart data access, sda, fetch, large dataset, large, remote data , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem

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