Social Security Number (SSN) Field is defined on the Application template.
The system does not make validation on the numer of characters and kind of characters (Alpha/Numeric).
A valid SSN must to be: 9 Numeric characters only
Reproducing the Issue
Navigate to an Application as Candidate (or as Recruiter if the permission for SSN field are granted)
Try to edit SSN field entering a value.
The user is able to enter a NOT Valid SSN, esample:
- alpha characters
- more (or less) that 9 characters
An option is disabled in Admin Centre
Navigate to:
Admin Centre > Manage Recruiting Settings
scroll down to section "Field Validation" and enable the option: "Enable field level validation on standard Social Security Number field on Application"
Then the system will allow only 9 Numeric characters
Social Security Number, SSN, Validation , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-JOB , Job Postings & Requisitions , How To