You have created a new Project ABC by copying an existent project XYZ. You expect the Activity IDs of this new project to follow the same pattern of the original one, they should have the same suffix. For example, the activity ID ABC-1 should be called ABC-123, since the same activity is called XYZ-123 in the original project.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Project Management Work Center
- Go to Projects view
- Select New, then Project
- For Source, select Existing Project
- Enter the desired information and select Next
- Select the original Project and perform the next steps until the project is created
- Open the new project and see the IDs of its activities do not follow the pattern of the source project
When copying a project the new activity IDs are concatenations of the new project ID and the old activities IDs. This new activity IDs however have a maximum lenght of 24 characters.
In case this combination exceeds the limit, system will set the IDs following the standard order (1, 2, 3...).
System is behaving as expected.
KBA , LOD-CRM-ACC , Account , How To