SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2244888 - Wrong Changed On Date in Supplier Details Report


You are viewing the Supplier Details report, and the field Changed On for suppliers. You notice that in some cases, the date displayed here is not when the last change was done in the supplier master data.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Supplier Base work center, and the Reports work center view.
  2. Open the report Supplier Details and check the field Changed On. For supplier ABC, it shows the date DEF.
  3. Now navigate to the Supplier work center view and open the supplier ABC.
  4. Check the Changes tab.

The last change was done later than the date DEF.


The object "Supplier" consists of fields that belong directly to the supplier, and fields that are subordinate to the supplier. Generally speaking, the direct fields belonging to the supplier are the ones you see in the General tab. The fields from other tabs are subordinate to the supplier, meaning that they have a relationship to the supplier but are not his direct characteristics. The Changed On field related to suppliers only captures the changes on direct fields, i.e. it mostly reflects only those changes that were done in the General tab of the supplier.

The field Changed On is part of the data source due to technical reasons and cannot display all changes done.


We have checked the possibility to adjust the system in a way that all changes will be reflected by the report field. This however would include a complex logic which in turn would considerably slow down the system. For this reason, such a change is unfortunately not feasible. If you would still like to use the Changed On field for suppliers in your reports, please note that it mainly pulls the data from the General tab only.


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