- 2 Relay Servers.
- One Relay Server is showing these rrors in the Relay Server log:
E. 2015-11-17 00:41:19. <140.608.-> RSE1002: Outbound enabler specified an unrecognized farm name 'XXXXX'
E. 2015-11-17 00:41:21. <1072.1628.-> RSE1002: Outbound enabler specified an unrecognized farm name 'XXXXX'
E. 2015-11-17 00:41:21. <1764.2672.F0B0Dn> RSE3005: Mismatched outbound enabler instance for backend server 'XXXXXXX' in backend farm 'XXXXX'
Relay Server Version 12.x and 16.x, all versions.
SAP Mobile Platform 2.3 ; SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 ; Sybase Unwired Platform 2.0 ; Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1 ; Sybase Unwired Platform 2.2
Relay Server SMP RSE1002 error , KBA , MOB-SUP-RT-SCC , SUP Runtime Sybase Control Center , BC-SYB-RS , Relay Server , Problem
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