SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2246437 - While planning multiple Freight Units with optimizer, they are being split into multiple Freight Orders instead of being planned to one when exceeding vehicle capacity


When planning multiple Freight Units (FU) with the optimizer, they are being split into multiple Freight Orders (FO) instead of just being planned to one FO when the vehicle capacity is exceeded.



  • SAP TM all versions


SAP Transportation Management 6.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 7.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 8.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 8.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.4


freight unit, fu, freight order, fo, planning profile, transportation cockpit, planning, optimizer, optimizer settings, split, capacity, vehicle capacity, vehicle capacity exceeded, sap tm, sap transportation management, transportation management , KBA , TM-PLN-PS , Profiles and Settings , Problem

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