Ask for feedback for External Users does not display the Recipient name in Email Notification
HCM Core Bizx Platform
Performance Management
Reproducing the Issue
1. Launch a form for the user
2. Ask Feedback for the user via Team Overview
3. Emails can be created for internal and external users by entering the Name and Email address
4. Request for Feedback from an External User
5. While sending "Ask for feedback" to external user, token is empty even though the name field is exists.
RECIPIENT_NAME is only supported for Internal users and not for External Users.
1. The RECIPIENT_NAME is only supported for internal users now, since we get the user's name according to the internal user's id.
2. The external's information is not stored in the system, so we can not get the related name.
3. The external user's name below email address field is used to display in Team Overview page.
4. It is expected behavior that the RECIPIENT_NAME is not supported for external users.
5. If you need this function to show External users' name in email, please create an enhancement request.
RECIPIENT NAME Subject name Email notification Ask for feedback Ask for Feedback email notification Name not pulling for External Email , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-PM , Performance Management , Problem