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2248316 - Integrated CCMS agent stops pushing data to CEN


You have registered a satellite system in your central system by using the transaction RZ21. No errors are reported during the registration procedure and you can see the agents reporting ONLINE status in transaction RZ21, selecting Topology and selecting Agents for Remote Systems. You are also able to successfully execute a Test Connection and Display the Agent Working Directory to the affected agent in the below screen.


In transaction RZ20, however, you can see the same agents for this system reporting 0% Availability and ir RED status, as per the below image.


In the sapstartsrv_ccms.log trace file of these CCMS agents found in the DIR_LOGGING directory of the sateliite system, you can see the below entry reported.

Sat Oct 31 03:59:12 2015
ERROR: RFC error during logon: 103 RFC_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE [User is locked. Please notify the person responsible]
WARNING: authentication error has occured for [    :000:CSMREG]. To avoid locking out the RFC user,
the pushing was permanently suspended. Please restart CCMS Agent or update registration data
to continue pushing the data for this CEN.



Any SAP system being monitored by using the CCMS agent integrated in the sapstartsrv program (registration performed through transaction RZ21).


SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5


central, auto reaction, method, monitoring, satellite, RZ21, RZ20, sapstartsrv, ACTION_REQUIRED, email, alert. , KBA , BC-CCM-MON , CCMS Monitoring & Alerting , Problem

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