For BPC users it is confusing that in Consolidation Monitor there are two ways to set Work Status (for a single entity or for a group member and all entities underneath), but via EPM Add-In, only entity members can be selected – which in most cases will lead to an error when selecting a node-entity.
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP BW/4HANA
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.x, version for Microsoft
BPC; 10; 10.0; 10.1; 101; Consolidation Monitor; EPM Addin; Add-in; By design; enhancement; idea place; NW; MS; Work Status; WS; Dimension Member; Group; entity node; single; base; parent; Contols; , KBA , EPM-XLS , EPM Excel Client , EPM-BPC-MS , Microsoft Version , EPM-BPC-NW-WS , Work Status , EPM-BPC-BW4-WS , BPC/4 - Work Status , Product Enhancement
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