Error "Objects locked in different tasks" occurs duirng implementing SAP Note. For example:
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Msg No. TK678
Objects locked in different tasks
You want to lock the objects "R3TR PROG RPLDTDJ0_DEF" and "LIMU REPS RPLDTDJ0" in the same request.
This is not possible at present since the first object is locked in task D01K926168 (<user name>)(with a task owner) and the second object is locked in request D01K926170 (<user name>).
System Response
The function terminates.
You have several options:
•You can assign the tasks to a shared request by moving one the tasks.
•You can assign the tasks to a shared request by merging the tasks.
Netweaver based systems
TK578, note implementation, SNOTE, merge requests, Objects locked in different tasks
, KBA , BC-UPG-NA , Note Assistant , BC-CTS-ORG , Workbench/Customizing Organizer , Problem
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