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2250380 - SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: process parameters error


  1. In transaction ST04 you are trying to preform the steps given in SAP Note 1969700 in regards to "Large Tables without Compression Optimization".
  2. In Note 1969700 you execute the following SQL statement: HANA_Tables_ColumnStore_TablesWithoutCompressionOptimization with the parameter MIN_MAX_MEM_SIZE_MB = 1024.
  3. After executing this statement you receive the following error: 
Could not execute 'UPDATE "Schema_Name>"."<Table_Name>" WITH PARAMETERS
('OPTIMIZE_COMPRESSION' = 'FORCE')' in 5:57.025 minutes .
SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: process parameters error: [2009] exception 2009: TRexUtils/ParallelDispatcher.cpp:260
Memory allocation failed ;out of memory during optimize compression,objestyle='font-family:courier'




HANA Database 1.0


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition


KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem

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