Starting from Successfactors b1511 release, all the un-approved Odata API urls(customer facing URLs starting with https://performancemanager<DC**>) will be de-activated for API access and hence below notification is sent to all customers.
ACTION REQUIRED: Customers using non-approved OData API URLs starting from b1511 release, will have to switch manually to the corresponding approved API servers listed in HCM API documentation .
Example: Non-approved OData API URL format: https://performancemanager<DC> will no longer be accessible.
Instead, OData API will be accessible with the URL format https://api<DC> . If you are using above mentioned non-approved URLs then you will have to manually update to the API URLs listed in HCM API documentation.
- Above statement is also valid for SFAPI calls.
- Customer not using OData APIs or Integrations using non-approved URLs will not be impacted.
Successfactors Odata API access
deactivation, deactivate, url, deprecation, performancemanager, decomissioned, login, api endpoint, dedicated , KBA , upcoming de-activation of the unapproved , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , LOD-SF-INT-API , API & Adhoc API Framework , How To
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