Starting from Successfactors b1511 release, all the un-approved Odata API urls(customer facing URLs starting with https://performancemanager<DC**>) will be de-activated for API access and hence below notification is sent to all customers.
ACTION REQUIRED: Customers using non-approved OData API URLs starting from b1511 release, will have to switch manually to the corresponding approved API servers listed in HCM API documentation .
Example: Non-approved OData API URL format: https://performancemanager<DC> will no longer be accessible.
Instead, OData API will be accessible with the URL format https://api<DC> . If you are using above mentioned non-approved URLs then you will have to manually update to the API URLs listed in HCM API documentation.
- Above statement is also valid for SFAPI calls.
- Customer not using OData APIs or Integrations using non-approved URLs will not be impacted.
Successfactors Odata API access
Frequently Asked Questions on the Upcoming Process Change
Question 1: Will this change impact all the customers?
Answer: This change will only impact the customers using the non-approved urls(https://performancemanager<DC> to access the SFSF Odata APIs. With this change there will be no impact on how users access SFSF instance or any other SSO access for users. This change only impacts systems where non-approved URLs are used to access SFSF OData APIs.
NOTE: No changes are required in SFSF Instance for these de-activated OData URLs.
Question 2: Where do I find the correct API url for my instance?
Answer: List of all the API url's for all the different SFSF Data Centers is available at 2215682
Question 3: Will this change affect my Production, test as well as preview systems?
Answer: This change impacts all systems upgrading to b1511 release and using the unauthorized OData URLs. Kindly check you system upgrade dates to identify when this change will affect your system if you are using non-approved OData API urls.
Question 4: Why is this change being done?
Answer: These Unauthorized URLs were never communicated as a part of official API documentations but were accessible untill 1511. From 1511 onwards these customer facing URLs will be officially deacivated for API access.
Question 5: What if I do not modify the url?
Answer: If you are using a non approved OData URL(https://performancemanager* then you will not be able to connect to OData after 1511 and start receiving errors afterwards. The correct & offical way to connect to SFSF OData APIs is to use the offical API URLs mentioned here OData API URLs.
Question 6: What do I need to change and where?
Answer: Only if you are using the non-approved OData API urls, you need to update the new OData API URL in the connection settings of the middleware or any other OData client used to connect Successfactors OData API(webservices).
This will be required when you are using OData APIs to integrate Successfactors with other applications and below are a few KBAs that give more insight on where to change the API url's when you are using SAP PI/Boomi as a middleware.
- 2251362 - Where to update new API URLs after 1511 Release in BOOMI
- 2251395 - Where to update the API URLs in SAP PI System
Question 7: What if I am not using the API? Does it still affect my system?
Answer: No. It does not have any impact on your system if you are not utilizing the SFSF Odata APIs.
Question 8: But I am using the url '', does it still affect my system and do I still need to make any change?
Answer: No. You need to change the API url manually ONLY IF you are using the non-approved urls and that would be something like below-
deactivation, deactivate, url, deprecation, performancemanager, decomissioned, login, api endpoint, dedicated , KBA , upcoming de-activation of the unapproved , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , LOD-SF-INT-API , API & Adhoc API Framework , How To