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2251137 - Certificates tab missing in Windows enrollment policy in Afaria 7 SP06 version


Certificates tab is missing in the Windows Phone/XP/DM enrollment policy in Afaria 7.0 SP06 version.

  1. Upgrade/Install the Afaria 7.0 SP06
  2. Login to Admin Console
  3. Go to Policy -> Enrollment Policy -> Windows Phone
  4. Certificates tab is not present in the enrollment policy
  5. Same for the Windows DM/XP/Professional enrollment policies



  • SAP AFARIA 7.0 SP06


SAP Afaria 7.0


certificates, tab, Windows Phone, XP, DM,Enrollment policies, Afaria 7.0, SP06, security update , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem

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