"Go To Employee Portal" button missing in the panel
Pre-requisite : Super admin access. If you do have access to super admin site, please create a support ticket.
Instructions for Support & Partners:
1) Super admin -> account Options, Check XpressHR.EmployeePortal has the correct Employee Portal URL. If you do not have this, please
add this in the account options with correct EP URL
2) Check ApplicantPageBtnGoPortalShow is True in Super admin.
3) Check ApplicantPageBtnGoPortalText has the correct text and correct process
4) Check in the localization resource file whether Key ApplicantStartWizard.btnPortal.Text has
any other value. If you want to customize the default text "Go To Employee Portal" in the button ,
then Localization resource file is the place to change the text of the panels.
KBA , LOD-SF-OBD , Onboarding , Problem