SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2251419 - Importing Learning Assignments in bulk using import tool


Can a bulk Learning Assignment be done through the Import Data tool?


SAP SuccessFactors Learning


It is possible to import Learning Assignments in bulk, such as Learning History, using the import data tool. To do so, those are the steps:

  1. Please navigate to Learning Administration > System Administration > System Management Tools > Import Data >
  2. Select the option "Download Template" and which type of information needs to be created (Learning History, Learning Assignment, etc.) > Submit >
  3. Open the downloaded file and check the headers of the template to see the ones that are required, and which format is expected by the tool >
  4. Once the file is fulfilled with the required data, save it >
  5. Back to the Import Data tool (at the Learning Admin UI), select the option "Import Data" and the type of information being imported >
  6. Choose the appropriate Import Option >
  7. Select the file that will be imported along with the timezone field >
  8. Click Submit >
  9. Schedule the job to run.

If any error happens, upon navigating back to the Import Data tool, the file that was just imported will be there. Click "Download" on the Error Log column to download the file which contains more information on the error, and check its last column.

IMPORTANT: To correct the data and try a new import, please use the original file.

See Also

3114418 - Validation error importing learning assignment to users

2601761 - Character limit for Import Data templates


learning, assignment, import, data, tool, bulk, mass, assign , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-IMP , Import Data Tool , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions