SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2251443 - Score is not captured in Learning History


User has completed courses successfully, but Grade is not displaying in their Learning History.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning


If we look at the user in question in Learning Administration and navigate to their Completed Items, we would observe that for the item in question, "View Details" would not show up "Percentage Grade" though "Object details" shows up score.

The problem as it appears is in the item settings,  "Add to History on Pass" and "Add to History on Failure" are not enable at the content object.


  1. Please navigate to Learning Administration
  2. Learning Activities -> Items
  3. Search the required item to verify
  4. Move to Online Content tab
  5. Click in the Setting icon 
  6. Enable the settings "Add to History on Pass" and "Add to History on Failure"
  7. Save

After these settings, any new user who takes up the item (i.e. new assignments of the item post making the changes) should be able to view the score in the Learning History.

Note: "Add to History on Completion of All Content" should not be used at the same time as the "Add to History on Pass" and "Add to History on Failure" used at the object level. These are competing settings, and may cause completion issues.

See Also

2544731 - Grade column is blank in Learning History Report


Score, Grade, missing, Skillsoft courses, not showing, content object, checkbox content, blank, null , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CNT , Content , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions