You are creating a new sales return, but you find the sales unit picked by system in the return is unexpected. It is not the same sales unit as in the original sales order.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Sales Orders work center.
- Go to the Returns view.
- Open the certain return, you find the return is DEF. However the sales unit in the original sales order is ABC. (ABC, DEF represents the ID of the documents).
You expect the sales unit in the return should be ABC which is taken from the original sales order.
The return was created with reference to invoice XYZ. The invoice XYZ however, is a single invoice for multipule sales orders. (XYZ represents the ID of the invoice). Therefore the system simply copies the unit from one of the orders.
In this case it was another different order which had the same sales unit as that of the return.
This is the designed system behavior.
KBA , AP-CRP-CR , Customer Return , How To