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2252019 - Error text from tp: ERROR: Buffer check failed


While trying to release a transport request, the following error occurs:

Test call of transport control program (tp) ended with return code 0200
Message no. TK094


Return code from tp: 0200

Error text from tp: ERROR: Buffer check failed.


The error can also be seen as follows:

Return code from tp: 0012
Error text from tp: ERROR: Buffer check failed.

ERROR: Buffer check failed.
tp finished with return code: 12
A tool used by tp aborted

In the transport request's export log, one of the following errors can be found:

  • Scenario A:

2EETP000 The request's target <SID>.<client number> is client dependant but the
target system cannot handle that
2EETP124 target system <SID> is not defined in transport profile.

  • Scenario B:

Checking buffer of target system: <DIR_TRANS>/buffer/<SID>
Buffer <DIR_TRANS>/buffer/<SID> cannot be written to
Error was: Permission denied



SAP NetWeaver release-independent


SAP NetWeaver all versions


SE01, SE09, SE10, Modifiable, CTO_RELEASE_REQUEST, TMS_TP_EXPORT, TP_REPORTED_ERROR, Buffer check failed, Message no. TK094, Return code from tp: 0200, XT200 , KBA , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , BC-CTS-TMS , Transport Management System , Problem

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