Applicants in "requistion closed" status where showing in the Employee Referral as " in progress"
Recruiting Management
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to recruiting- job requistions
2. Select requistion that has candidates in applicant status for a closed requisition
3. Check employee referral information portlet to see user who candidate was referrred by
4. Go to Admin- Edit Applicant status configuration- open the corresponding applicant status set and confirm that the employee referral program setting for for the requisition closed status shows the status to referrer enabled and labeled to show candidate no in the selection process anymore
5. Proxy in as the Referrer and go to Careers- Referral Tracking Tab- On the referral timeline it says "in progress" which does not match the applicant status.
This was a defect fixed in the 1511 release (RCM-27988)
This defect was cleared by engineering in the 1511 release (RCM- 27988) so that employee referral stauts does not show in progress when candidates are in "requisition closed" status
KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , Problem