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2254970 - Error "A table is unknown or does not exist" type RABAX_STATE occurs when searching for an Item in Create Item Dependency


You search for an Item when Creating a Dependency and you receive a termination and a short dump.



Category               ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors         DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN
ABAP Program           SAPLSDH3
Application Component  BC-DWB-DIC-F4

|Short text                                                                                       
|    A table is unknown or does not exist.                                                        

|Error analysis                                                                                   
|    A table is referred to in an SAP Open SQL statement that either does not                     
|     exist or is unknown to the ABAP Data Dictionary.                                            
|    The table involved is "/RPM/V_ITEM_DB" or another table accessed in the                      
|     statement.                                                                                  

|    "DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN" " "                                                                
|    "SAPLSDH3" or "LSDH3U03"                                                                     
|    "F4_GET_RESULT"

|  146|*   Jetzt kann mit dieser Where-Bedingung selektiert werden.                               
|  147|    IF sort = space.                                                                       
|  148|* Dynamische Suche                                                                         
|>>>>>|      SELECT * UP TO max_select ROWS FROM (sel_method)

|   22 FUNCTION     SAPLSDH3                            LSDH3U03                              149  |
|      F4_GET_RESULT                                                                               |
|   21 FUNCTION     /RPM/SAPLITEM_DETAIL                /RPM/LITEM_DETAILU28                  168  |
|      /RPM/ITEM_SEARCH_HELP                                                                       |
|   20 FORM         SAPLSDSD                            LSDSDF05                             1497  |
|      CALL_SHLP_EXIT                                                                              |
|   19 FUNCTION     SAPLSDHI                            LSDHIU04                               35  |
|      F4IF_SELECT_VALUES                                                                          |
|   18 METHOD       CL_DPR_UI_LOG_SEARCH==========CP    CL_DPR_UI_LOG_SEARCH==========CM00K   149  |
|      CL_DPR_UI_LOG_SEARCH=>SERVICE_STEP_SELECT                                                   |
|   17 METHOD       CL_DPR_UI_LOG_SEARCH==========CP    CL_DPR_UI_LOG_SEARCH==========CM006   203  |
|      CL_DPR_UI_LOG_SEARCH=>CONTROLL_SEARCH                                                       |

|    /RPM/V_ITEM_DB  



  • SAP Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
  • SAP Resource and Portfolio Management (PPM-PFM)


SAP Portfolio and Project Management all versions ; SAP Resource and Portfolio Management all versions


/RPM/ITEM_DEPENDENCY, Error while processing your query, F4 search help, create dependency , KBA , PPM-PFM , Portfolio Management , Problem

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