When an admin needs to mark a single content object completed he/she follows this procedure:
User Record-->Assigned Items-->Object details-->Click on respective Content Object
An admin can then edit the checkbox for “Finished” (Check the box and click Apply Changes).
But it has no effect and the object is not marked as completed in the course progress. When going back to check the course progress, the object which was marked as finished still appears incomplete.
SuccessFactors LMS
Learning Management System
We cannot complete individual objects in the content. The whole item gets completed when marking complete.
Go to the User details--> Assigned items--> --> Object details--> tick mark the option Complete.
This will complete the whole item
See Also
You can also refer to 2174295 Why I can't see "Complete" status options in for Content Object?-LMS
item complete content object mark complete , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CNT , Content , How To