SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2256604 - Task Opened From the Feed Hyperlink Shows No Data


You tried to open a Task by selecting the hyperlink of the Feed, which resulted in the task screen with no data displayed.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Feeds work center.
  2. Select the hyperlink of the task available in one of your feed.
  3. The Task screen opens up but there is no data displayed in it.


The task which you tried to open from feed has already been deleted.
If a task is deleted and you try to open it from the hyperlink available in the feed, there will be no data shown in the UI as the main object itself is not available in the system.


This is the expected behavior of the SAP Cloud for Customer.


KBA , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer 1511 ; SAP Cloud for Customer 1602 ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1511 ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1602 ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1708 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1708