The following fields are not mapping from Onboarding to Employee Central:
- Gender
- MaritalStatus
- EthnicGroupCodeStatus
- Onboading
- Employee Central
Check the following for mapping:
in Onboarding Gender field is mapped with Gender Field and value is F, Employee Central supports the below list of values. Since there is a mismatch in the value Data is not populating. You will need to match the correct Onboarding Field
- Unknown
- Undeclared
Marital Status - Per the Screenshot below value X is received in Employee Central, since this is an incorrect value, values are under the field.
ONB-EC mapping from key MaritalStatus to EC key personalInfo.marital-status, EC field is filled from ONB key W4MaritalStatus.
- EthnicGroupCodeDescription - per Data Dictionary in Onboarding this Field is a Lookup value
in Employee Central - this field is a Custom String value with Picklist ID is <picklist id="ETHNICGROUP_USA"/>., mapping should be corrected.
KBA , LOD-SF-OBD , Onboarding , How To