SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2258014 - Compensation & Variable Pay - Roll-up Hierarchy - Include Inactive Users


  • Can you use Roll up Hierarchy and include inactive users (Variable Pay or Compensation)?
  • Access the Define Planner page in the Compensation/Variable Pay template and get an error: "System detected a hierarchy type that is not supported for display in this screen at this time".

**Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental**


  • SAP SuccessFactors Compensation
  • SAP SuccessFactors Variable Pay


This is a UI limitation and the system does not support having Rollup hierarchy on the following:

  • 2 (Second manager + active users)
  • 3 (Standard manager + inactive users)
  • 4 (Second manager + inactive users)


Variable pay plan is using the following rollup hierarchy.

<comp-plan-creation rollup-users="1"/>

<comp-manager-hierarchy type="3"/> (This is first manager hierarchy with inactive users)

System detected a hierarchy type that is not supported for display in this screen at this time.png

  • We do not support this type of hierarchy and there is currently an enhancement logged for future consideration. Please raise an case with SuccessFactors Support and ask them to change the type of the hierarchy being used to type 1 (Standard manager) - only hierarchy type supported with Rollup Hierarchy enabled.
  • However, with this hierarchy you will be able to launch worksheets to include inactive employees which you have in your instance/employee history.
  • For example, here we have User GGG who is an inactive employee within our Variable Pay plans employee history.

Employee History.png

Once we generate a worksheet (without selecting head of hierarchy) we will now see GGG is visible. She is eligible in the screen shot as GGG matches eligibility rules from the Variable Pay plan.

Variable Pay Form Screenshot.png

Please be aware that should you choose to use this type of hierarchy and have any issues, we will not be able to support it. Once the enhancement request has been fulfilled then the functionality will be official and supported by us.


Error, Define Planners, hierarchy, Planner Mode, manager, inactive users, UI limitation, System detected a hierarchy type that is not supported for display in this screen at this time, Rollup , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP , Compensation Management , LOD-SF-VRP , Variable Pay Programs , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors Compensation all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions