During a SPs/EHP update or Release Upgrade using Software Update Manager (SUM), the SUM tools rejects the Stack XML file, showing the following error:
- "Element 'support-package' not found in element 'software-component'"
- "Element 'sp-level' not found in element 'support-package'"
Below screen is for SUM SP14 but still "error" hold good for new SUM SP level as well, screen is missing from new SUM tool.
- Software Update Manager (SUM)
- Maintenance Planner (MP)
DEFINE-TARGET-SOURCE, is not a valid stack definition file, Define Target step, MOPZ, Maintenance planner Element 'sp-level' not found in element 'support-package' , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , SV-SMG-MAI , Maint. Optimzer replaced by Maintenance Planner: BC-UPG-MP , How To
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