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2259245 - XRS1346 and XR1105 errors occur and sessions do not run - Afaria


  • XRS1105: ComApp: Create [Session] thread failed. EXPLANATION: The process could not create a new thread to service the incoming connection request. ACTIONS: Stop and restart the Afaria service. If the message recurs, contact your support representative for assistance.
  • XRS1346: Transport: Start application layer failed. Inbound session not executed. EXPLANATION: The process could not start the internal comm application layer. The Error field may contain additional information about the failure. ACTIONS: Depending on the error, you may need to stop and restart the Afaria service. If the message recurs, contact your support representative for assistance.

In addition many of the following errors may be seen:

XRS1162: ComApp: Send Dir List Failed. [Unable to send temporary file (Alt) [\Temp\{value}.tmp]. ]EXPLANATION: The SEND DIR command operates by first sending a file to the client specifying which directory is to be received. This temporary file could not be transmitted to the client. ACTIONS: Retry the session again. If the problem persists, contact your support representative for assistance.



SAP Afaria


SAP Afaria 7.0


KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem

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