The same VBA code that works in the SAP EPM Add-in does not work in SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office (AO /AfO) EPM Plug-in.
The following code is taken from the "help "menu of EPM Add-in:
Sub test()
Dim api As Object
Set api = Application.COMAddIns("FPMXLClient.Connect").Object
api.ExecutePlanningFunction "PF_1"
End Sub
- EPM Add-in for Microsoft Office
- SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office (AO) 2.7 or lower
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for Microsoft ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for Microsoft ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver
analysis, office, epm, vba, code, AO, , KBA , no longer works , fpmxlclient , EPM-XLS , EPM Excel Client , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , How To
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