This SAP KBA aims to clarify questions about the implementation and use of solutions that support the Brazilian legal requirements EC87 (Emenda Constitucional 87/2015) and NT003 (Nota Técnica 003/2015).
We intend to maintain this SAP KBA updated with new SAP Notes and other future changes regarding these solutions. Keep in mind that also there is a topic of this legal requirement in SAP SCN portal, check it in the link (in Portuguese):
We strongly suggest you to review the content of the Announcement SAP Note 2236380 that contains the updates of all the changes in the support of SAP's solutions. We also invite you to check out the SAP Note 2525257, in order to keep updated on overall Localization Latin America topics and solutions.
Last updates:
22/AUG/2017 (New Session E11).
03/MAY/2017 (New SAP Notes and new sessions from C43 until C51).
A - SAP Notes
A1 - SAP Notes for ERP system
A2 - SAP Notes for SAP NF-e (GRC) system
A3 - SAP Notes only valid for NF-e Incoming Automation solution (NFEIN)
B - Documentation and legal requirements
B1 - Webinar of NT002 and NT003 from 04/DEC/2015
B2 - Product Managers' presentation from 15/DEC/2015
B3 - Basic explanation about the legal requirement EC87
B4 - Basic explanation about the legal requirement NT003
B5 - After 31/DEC/2015, what happens if you bill orders or deliveries previous than 01/JAN/2016?
B6 - In a return process in SD, how does it work the calculation of ICMS Partilha? In a case of return with ICMS Partilha after 31/DEC/2015 of a billing previous than 01/JAN/2016, how does it work the calculation?
B7 - Implement only CEST changes in ERP without implement ICMS Partilha in SAP NF-e (GRC)
B8 - BAdI to determine if a customer or branch as a non a taxpayer
B9 - Changes in DANFE after NT003
B10 - Change value of ICMS Partilha to destination in a scenario of base reduction
B11 - ICMS exempt with ICMS Partilha
B12 - How to customize ICMS Partilha in J1BTAX for EC87 and NT003
C - Common Issues and Hints in SD and MM
C1 - Field CEST (ICMS ST Legal Classification Code) of NT003
C2 - Interstate Operations for ICMS non-taxpayers
C3 - BC Set activation of SAP Note 2232757
C4 - Manual adjusts in Procedures of SD/MM
C5 - Error 'The registers do not exist in our environment'
C6 - Base Dupla
C7 - Error with the methods from SAP Note 2141500
C8 - Error 'Not all required corrections were implemented' in SAP Note 2232757
C9 - Error 'Field M_CODE is unknown' in SAP Note 2232757
C10 - Error with element J_1BATL1V-LINE1 in SAP Note 2209624
C11 - Error 'DYNP touches or overlaps other element'
C12 - Error 'DETERMINE_ICMS_PARTILHA_RED does not exist'
C13 - System does not enable field KNA1-ICMSTAXPAY to be added
C14 - Error 'Data object J_1BTXIC3V does not have a component called SPECF_BASE'
C15 - Formulas 821 and 801
C17 - Sales Order containing both industrialization and consumption
C18 - Error FF709 'Error in account determination: table T030K key and NVV'
C19 - Dump during the migration in J1BTAX
C20 - Error 'Mandt has the status not modifiable'
C21 - Menu options CEST Codes and CEST Determination inactive in J1BTAX
C22 - In J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES object ICMS does not have SPECF_RATE
C23 - Dump during the maintenance of table view J_1BATL2V
C24 - Wrong pricing calculation in scenario of ICMS Partilha without IPI
C25 - Error with ICMS Partilha in BAdI for base reduction
C26 - DINC condition value changes when saving sales order
C27 - Base amount and tax rate are filled wrong in a delivery split process
C28 - Missing menu options Edit and Goto in J1BTAX
C29 - Billing document is not showing correct conditions of ICMS-DIFAL
C31 - Stock Transfer Order in EC87 and NT003 solutions
C32 - ICMS Partilha base and rates are divided in return documents
C33 - Pricing conditions not being calculated
C34 - DINC calculation wrong in purchase orders
C35 - Wrong value in the field EXT_ITEM-ICMSRATE
C36 - Base reduction not considered with TAXBRJ
C37 - Wrong ICMS values in the DANFE
C38 - J_1B_GEN_TAX_COND_BACK and condition records of ICMS Partilha not updated
C39 - Incorrect values in NF when selling in foreign currency
C40 - ICMI results differently after NT003
C41 - DIFAL calculation
C42 - Dump in J1B1N during a import process
C43 - Dump with screen SAPLJ1BB2 3100
C44 – Conversion of invoices created with foreign currency in nota fiscal ends up with wrong total value and differences when compared to accounted value
C45 – Rounding issues in Brazil pricing procedure
C46 – After SAP Note 2015003, when nota fiscal has ICMS Partilha calculated, ICMS base value is wrongly calculates in legal reports
C47 – Calculate ICMS Partilha if SAP_APPL version is prior to SAP_APPL_605
C48 – Implement ICMS Partilha in a scenario that the ICMS is exempt in the origin state and due in the destination state
C49 – Why is Special Fund Rate (Fundo de Combate à Pobreza) being subtracted from the ICMS tax rate?
C50 – Field ICMS Taxpayer info (ICMSTAXPAY) not available in BP transaction
C51 – After ICMS Partilha solution, intrastate sales are getting wrong ICMS rate
D - Common Issues and Hints in NF-e solution
D1 - NT003 in the ERP solution
D2 - NT003 in SAP NF-e (GRC) solution
D3 - Error 'BAPI_J_1BNFLIN_READDATA does not exist'
D4 - Rejection error 694
D5 - Dump in function J_1BNFE_GET_SIMULATION_LEVEL after SAP Note 1871347
D6 - Error SCWN055 'Deltas cannot be merged'
D7 - Field 'ICMS Partilha' filled wrongly in scenarios without ICMS Partilha
D8 - Field IEST not filled in XML file for ICMS Partilha scenarios
D9 - Tag vICMSUFDest ignores Fundo de Pobreza in calculation
D10 - Notas Fiscais with ICMS Partilha and without ICMS Partilha at same time
D11 - IE Destination is not filled for ICMS Partilha without ST
D12 - Error 'BAPI_J_1BNFLIN_READDATA Data Type doesn't exist'
D13 - Rejection 225 in intrastate operations
D14 - Error with ID_DEST
D16 - CT-e ICMS Partilha tags are not filled
E - Other issues
E1 - Error 'Document is not released' in SNOTE
E2 - Error 'Corrections not copied; see change display' in SAP Note 2209624
E3 - Error 'Object already exists and will be overwritten' in SAP Note 2209624
E4 - Message 'Changes to object are forbidden by SAP'
E5 - Cannot customize new 'ICMS Exemption Reason Olympics 2016 Rio'
E6 - Error 'The field "GV_SIMULATE" is unknown' with SAP Note 2232116
E7 - Activation errors in SAP Note 2209624
E8 - Industrialization process
E9 - Error 'ES_CL_KEYFINDER missing' with SAP Note 2232757
E10 - Error 8B333 in J1BTAX 'Não está atribuído nenhum tipo de condição ao código interno PISRATE'
E11 - Error "CL_CONDITION_IC1_PARTEXEMPT is unknown" when applying 2311082
Emenda Constitucional 87/2015, lc, Constitutional Amendment nº 87/2015, EC 87/2015, EC87/2015, EC87, Nota Técnica 003/2015, Nota Técnica 003.2015, Nota Tecnica 2015.003, Technical Note 003 2015, NT 2015.003, NT 2015/003, NT 003/2015, NT003/2015, NT2015.003, Convênios ICMS 92/15, Convênio 92/15 Confaz, Convenio ICMS Nº 92 DE 20/08/2015, Convênios ICMS 92/2015, CEST, CENQ, Código Especificador da Substituição Tributária, Código Especificador de Substituição Tributária, Código Especificador Substituição Tributária, ICMS Partition, ICMS Partilha, Rio 2016 Olympics, Olimpíadas, SEFAZ, CONFAZ, SCWN 003, J_1BTPARTILHA, Fundo de Combate à Pobreza, FDCP, FDCAP, FDP, ICEP, ICAP, ICSP, ICFP, ICBP, ICTP, XML, XMLS, XSD, UF, RVABRA, RVXBRA, procedure, procedures, interstate, industrialisation, J_1BNF_FILL_IEST_BUPLA, J_1BNF_FILL_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS, chave de lançamento, CL_J_1B_ICMS_PARTILHA, State Inscription, Inscricão Estadual, IS_ICMS_PARTILHA_SCENARIO_NF, condition records, J_1BTXDEF, icsm, FCP, J_1BTXCOF, DETERMINE_DEST_PARTILHA_RATE, Fundo de Pobreza, amount, LJ1BGF01, industrialização, LJ_1B_NFEF79, LJ_1B_NFEF82, Fundo de Combate a Pobreza, LJ_1B_NFEF80, Tax Jurisdiction Code, IS_INTERSTATE, CL_J1BTREG_DA, GET_STATE_FROM_TAX_REGION, BX90, BX94, rejeição, J1B3N, SCWN362, SCWN 362, moeda estrangeira, SCREEN_0010_COND, dolar, dólar, US Dollar, J_1BTXLAWSEQ, difal, icms share, J_1B_CBT_CONSIST, icms-difal, J_1B_NF_VALUE_DETERMINATION_I, BADI_J_1B_ICMS_PARTILHA, Modificações em LJ1BTAXCUSTU03 não permitidas por SAP*, Modificações em LJ1BTAXCUSTU04 não permitidas por SAP*, J_1BDF_STAT_TAXV, J_1BNFDOC-PARTR, PARTR, J_1BNFDOC, Edit lock, ICVA, MG, BA, GO, RS, SE , KBA , FI-LOC-LO-BR , Brazil , FI-LOC-MM-BR , Brazil , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Outbound , FI-LOC-SD-BR , Brazil , SLL-NFE , Nota Fiscal Electronica (NFe) , How To
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