- When enabling Hana MDX the following errors occur:
- located HANA Trace files are displayed as follow:
Error: " Error occurred while executing a MDX statement. The error message is: Syntax Error : ...[DIMNAME].[PARENTH1].&[MANALLOC_NOT445_ZAR]R]"
- T_code DB02 file trace diagnosis also displays further log message:
Error occurred while executing a MDX statement. The error message is: "[Method: LAG] expects a parameter that return a Member. [Literal, value: 1] return a Numeric"
- SAP Business Objects for Planning and Consolidation 10.0
- HANA Revision 97 SP 3
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver
UJO_READ_EXCEPTION, MDX statement error, UJ0_PARAM_IMG missing , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , Problem
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