SM21 System Log Number A24: System time: Cannot go back (< 3 sec.). Wait 2 second(s)
And the following texts will be output in the work process trace file:
A *** ERROR => AppServerTimeSync, checkLocalTime():
Problem detected, new bias would lead to switching AppServer back in time.
Now going to sleep for 2 seconds.
LastLocalWpTime: 1452253298, CurrLocalWpTime: 1452253298
LastLocalBias: 0, CurrLocalBias: -1 [zdate.c 2710]
As of SAP Kernel 741
system time, cannot go back, synchronization, windows, aix, AppServerTimeSync, SM21, warning, checkLocalTime(): , KBA , BC-ABA-LA , Syntax, Compiler, Runtime , Problem
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