- Replication Server encountered the following error with a stack trace:
Open Server error: Error: 16112, State: 0, Severity 10 -- 'Invalid object name found in srv__create_obj'.
ERROR #21 USER(sa) - dsiqmext.c(1385) Open server call to routine 'srv_createmsgq' failed.
Open Server error: Error: 16112, State: 0, Severity 10 -- 'Invalid object name found in srv__create_obj'.
The DSI thread for database 'ASIQ15.testdb' is started.
Open Server error: Error: 16112, State: 0, Severity 10 -- 'Invalid object name found in srv__create_obj'.
ERROR #21 USER(sa) - dsiqmext.c(1385) Open server call to routine 'srv_createmsgq' failed.
Open Server error: Error: 16112, State: 0, Severity 10 -- 'Invalid object name found in srv__create_obj'.
Thread DSI(112 ASIQ15.testdb) infected with signal 11.
- The stack trace included the following modules:
.exc__appDumpStack ()
.exc_terminate ()
.bsd_catch_signal ()
._sync_lockmutex ()
._sync_lock_element ()
.dsi ()
.dsi__StartThreads ()
.dsi__InitScheduler ()
.dsi__SchedulerBody ()
.dsi__SchedulerWrapper ()
.srv__start_function ()
- Replication Server attempted to produce a core file.
- SAP Replication Server (RS) 15.7.1 SP102
crash , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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