- A user login to the ASE server via LDAP hits an "infected with signal 11" error at the ldap_set_option() module with a stack trace:
Current process (0x0) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Address 0x0x00007ffff71e5c82 (ldap_set_option+0x52), siginfo (code, address) = (1, 0x0x0000000000000008)
- The stack trace includes the following modules:
- This crashes the ASE server:
ueshutdown: exiting
engine 52, os pid 215464 exited
Process 215464 exited with status 0
Engine exited with signal 11
- Example user PSS info:
pss 16249
spid: 16249, kpid: 1564294270, pss: 0x0x2aaee77bc0c8, proc: 0x0x2aad11905710 dbid: 1
pmemusage: 2, ptempdb_pages: 0, pcputot: 0, pcpucur: 0
User: <username>, Program: sqsh-2.1.8, Command: 0 MAINTENANCE TOKEN
Status: (0x00010000 (P_USERPROC))
PSS at 0x0x2aaee77bc0c8
PSS Status fields :
pstat=0x10000 (0x00010000 (P_USERPROC))
p2stat=0x41000 (0x00040000 (P2_LOGIN_IN_PROGRESS), 0x00001000 (P2_XLATE))
prengine=52, affinity=52 52 ANY
- Example engine info:
******** ENGINE Structure (0x0x2aaae2a02ff0) ********
Engine Number 52
Engine addr 0x0x2aaae2a02ff0 estatus: 8,epid: 215464,ekpid: 1872982390
estarttime.dtdays: 42350,estarttime.dttime: 11849873
estoptime.dtdays: 42347,estoptime.dttime: 13839207
epaffinitied: 36,eprunnableqs: 0x0x2aaae2a0ace0
eprunnable: 0,epschedflags: 0x441
epmaxscheds: 0,epscheduler: 0x0x2aad13f81a10
eplastkpid: 1564294270,epkcheck: 0
sig11_memdump.Dec_19_00_56:dump> kproc 1872982390
kpid 1872982390 slot id 29046 procp 0x0x00002aad13f81a10
status=running(engine 52) scheduler
prkpid=1872982390, prpri=0, prsubpri=2, prnotrun=0, prkiller=0
prpdata=0x(nil), prpaddr=0x(nil), prengine=52, affinity=ANY
******** Stack trace for kpid: 1872982390
pc: (nil) ()
Frame Pointer= 0x00007fffffffbfe0 , Frame size=-740302480
******** End of stack trace, kernel service process: kpid 1872982390
50 24030 1855020510 kpsched running(engine 50) scheduler
51 24258 1872191170 kpsched running(engine 51) scheduler
53 24020 1873501652 kpsched running(engine 53) scheduler
Missing engine 52.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- Threaded kernel mode
CR793978, CR#793978, 793978, OpenLDAP, CR794040, CR#794040, 794040 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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