SAP IQ coordinator node down abnormally. There were no information in iqmsg file and no stack trace file. There was just an error information in srvlog file.
*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102012 ( invalid suspend deferred growth
There were lots of disconnection of dbbackup operation in srvlog file before the error generated.
I. 12/27 11:27:14. Connection terminated abnormally
I. 12/27 11:27:14. Disconnected TCPIP client's AppInfo: IP=;HOST=sybaseiqc1h9;OSUSER=root;OS='Linux 3.0.101-0.47.50-default #1 SMP Thu Mar 5 21:07:58 UTC 2015 (7d96a60) x';EXE=/opt/sybase/IQ-16_0/bin64/dbbackup;PID=0x26c2b;THREAD=0x7f01e9db1720;VERSION=;API=DBLIB;TIMEZONEADJUSTMENT=480
- SAP IQ 16 SP08 PL38
- All unix platform
Assertion failed, 102012 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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