After system upgrade, transaction S_PL0_09000158 can´t be executed. It doesn´t work anymore. (The same happens for S_PL0_09000159).
You need the Annual Sales List Declaration for the Spanish Tax Authorities.
Message 201(IDFI), IDFI201, Program is obsolete and cannot be executed anymore, S_ALR_87009930, Annual Sales Report (Spain), S_PL0_09000158, S_PL0_09000159, RFUSVS12, RFUSVS14, RFUSVX11, RFIDESM347, RPFIES_M347 ,FIES_M347, RFASLDPC, Modelo 347, tc_rfidesm347_es, Spain, Spanish, AEAT models, local regulation, localized solution, localization, country specific, ID-FI-ES, FIES_M347, plataforma de informativas, Declaración anual operaciones con terceras personas, AT, Spanien, Tax Reports, SAP standard menu, asterisk, report replaced, upgrade. , KBA , s_alr_87009930 , XX-CSC-ES-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-ES , FI-GL-IS , Information System , FI-GL-GL-F1 , Deferred Tax (Country Specific) , How To
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