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2263599 - SAP IQ16 SP10.7 : Error at Filler( > 512 byte ) with fixed format laoding, comparing to success in IQ12.7


Loading a Filler( > 512 bytes) seems to be allowed in IQ12.7, comparing returns error in IQ16.
But IQ12.7 & 16 manual both notices that max limit of filler() is 512 bytes.
In IQ12.7 this limitation seems to be ignored when load is fixed format loading using 'ASCII()' syntax.
Now IQ16 treats any Filler( > 512 bytes) is errored. 
Following is two repro example.

 ** Repro
  1) create table y1( a char(2), b int, c char(2));
  2) Like customer's load pattern, below load worked well in IQ12.7.
     It's fixed format loading using ASCII(). But same loading returns error in IQ16.
       LOAD table y1
        ( a ascii(2),
            filler(1),  -- to skip delimiter
          b ascii(3),
            filler(1),  -- to skip delimiter
          c ascii(2) ,
            filler(1),  -- to skip delimiter
       from '/home2/iq127/work/oc_600.dat'
       quotes off escapes off
       -- delimited by '|'

  3) Below variable loading using delimiter gets error due to filler( > 512 bytes).        
       LOAD table y1
        ( a ,
          b ,
          c ,
       from '/home2/iq127/work/oc_600.dat'
       quotes off  escapes off
       delimited by '|'
   Error =>
      Could not execute statement.
      Number of bytes (600) for a column from an input file has exceeded the
      maximum allowed (512). -- (db_RecScanner.cxx 412)
      SQLCODE=-1013027, ODBC 3 State="HY000" Line 1, column 1



 SAP IQ 16.0


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4 ; Sybase IQ 12.7


"Filler more than 512" ; Fixed format ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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