SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2265264 - SCAC is grayed out on Carrier F4 search help


You have a transportation allocation (TAL) where a carrier is already assigned to it. You would like to change this carrier and try to search a new one with F4 search help.
However, if the previous carrier has a SCAC, on the search help SCAC is field and it is grayed out. You have to remove the Carrier from the TAL UI to be able to select another carrier on the search help which has different SCAC.



  • SAP Transportation Management 9.0
  • SAP Transportation Management 9.1
  • SAP Transportation Management 9.2
  • SAP Transportation Management 9.3


SAP Transportation Management 9.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3


TAL, search help, carrier, SCAC, /SCMTMS/WDCC_TAL_HEADER_S, Standard Carrier Alpha Code , KBA , TM-PLN-TAL , Transportation Allocation , TM-BF-UI , User Interface , Problem

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