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2265396 - 010HA: The server denied your request to use the high-availability feature - SAP IQ


End-user is unable to login from SAP IQ cockpit.
agent.log shows following error message sequence

[INFO ] [adapter.UAFLoginCommand ] [scc-ui::120] - Authenticating web login DBA
[INFO ] [security.IQLoginModule ] [RMI TCP Connection(8)-] - Validating credentials
[ERROR] [security.IQLoginModule ] [RMI TCP Connection(8)-] - java.sql.SQLWarning: 010HA: The server denied your request to use the high-availability feature. Please reconfigure your database, or do not request a high-availability session.
[ERROR] [security.IQLoginModule ] [RMI TCP Connection(8)-] - Login failed
[WARN ] [security.SecurityService ] [RMI TCP Connection(8)-] - Login failed from myhost. Username: DBA
[ERROR] [security.AuthenticationHook ] [RMI TCP Connection(8)-] - Authentication failed. Please check username and password.
[INFO ] [adapter.UAFLoginCommand ] [scc-ui::120] - Authentication failed for user DBA: com.sybase.scc.jmx.ISccSession.agnt_auth_fail
[INFO ] [adapter.UAFLoginCommand ] [scc-ui::120] - Caused by Authentication failed. Please check username and password.

Why such error message appears even though end-user is not requesting any high-availability session ?



  • SAP IQ 16 SP 8+
  • Any platform


SAP IQ 16.0


java.sql.SQLWarning 010HA high-availability "The server denied your request to use the high-availability feature" cockpit , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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