Is there any other alternate way to achieve DBACockpit for IQ documented functionality for IQ basis DBAs ?
Such alternate way can be very helpful for IQ basis DBAs in following scenarios
- DBACockpit IQ is unavailable due to some reason
- One or more DBAcockpit functions are exhibiting problems temporarily
- DBA needs to cross check DBACockpit outputs to actual outputs from SAP IQ
- Capture raw or selective output in text format
- Just to know which IQ stored procedures get executed when certain DBAcockpit functionality is invoked.
Required prerequisite for this alternate way
IQ basis DBA has knowledge about following key information.
- DBA password
- IQ host name OR IP address
- Name of IQ server
- Knowledge about starting dbisql in -nogui mode locally on IQ host itself OR in gui mode on any windows box which can connect to IQ
- IQ 16 sp 08+
- Any platform
alternative ; DBACockpit ; greyed ; audit , KBA , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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