- IQ server crashed with the following message:
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 **************************************************
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 *** Sybase IQ Abort:
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 *** From: st_server.cxx:1432
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 *** PID: 8192106
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 *** Message: caught signal 11, program abort
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 *** Thread: 77616 (TID: 34)
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 ************************************************** - A message with "Cancellation request received:" also reported in iqmsg file for the same connection:
I. 01/11 15:18:22. 0000000000 Cancellation request received: SA connHandle: 495579 SA connID: 141 IQ connID: 0002571202 User: Euser - The same connection report the following stacktrace and a stacktrace file also generated.
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x8000000026c1268 .pcstkwalk(stk_trace*,int,db_log*,hos_fd*)+0x1c8()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x8000000026c0b58 .ucstkgentrace(int,int)+0xb8()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x8000000026bf2e4 .DumpAllThreads(const char*,unsigned int,int)+0x184()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x800000001e641f8 .hos_ABORT(const char*,unsigned int,const char*,char*,char*)+0x1d8()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x8000000026c6c54 .SigHndlr+0x54()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x80000000000a894 .Q_remove+0x14()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x800000000fa81a0 .TDSPres::ComnRequestFree()+0xe0()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x800000000f9efcc .TDSPres::SendMarker(an_sqlpres_marker,an_sqlpres_tran_status,int)+0xec()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x800000000114354 .RequestProcedure::call()+0x894()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x80000000027f2b8 .Context::call(Procedure*,Context**)+0x78()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x800000000280c28 .Worker::call_on_stack(Procedure*)+0x48()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x800000000115f64 .TopProcedure::call()+0x44()
I. 01/11 15:19:05. 0002571202 pc: 0x800000000280538 .Worker::spawn(Procedure*)+0x98()
- SAP IQ 15
- SAP IQ 16
SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4
.TDSPres::ComnRequestFree , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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