- During an upgrade using the Software Update Manager (SUM) , with the Database Migration Option (DMO) an error occurs during the phase MAIN_SWITCH/SUBMOD_MIG_SWITCH_ORG/SUBMOD_MIG_DOWNTIME_RUN/EU_CLONE_MIG_DT_RUN
The error can be traced as below
ANALYSIS OF LOG FILE '<path to sum>/SUM/abap/migrate_dt/MIGRATE_DT_<#####>_EXP.LOG'
Error: Found pattern "R3load....: job completed" 0 times, but expected 1!
Analyze the log file for further error messages or program abort.
ANALYSIS OF LOG FILE '<path to sum>/SUM/abap/migrate_dt/MIGRATE_DT_<#####>_IMP.LOG'
Error: Found pattern "R3load....: job completed" 0 times, but expected 1!
Analyze the log file for further error messages or program abort.
During phase MIGRATE_DT_RUN, the table was skipped due to nametab error.
D RSD99 E err - During the phase MIGRATE_DT_RUN the table RSD99 was skipped due to error with the nametab
SAP NetWeaver all versions
PARMVNT_XCNV, error in DDL statement for "RSD99", , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DWB-DIC-AC , ABAP Dictionary Activation and Conversion , Problem
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