- A user session hangs in sleep status
- No error nor messages are received
- When using In Memory Temporary Database (IMDB)
- The IMDB is running out of space
- The monitoring table monProcessWaits shows the process (spid) is waiting on one of the following events:
- event 338 "page allocation is waiting for mass destruction"
- event 337 "page allocation is waiting for mass destruction"
- event 339 "waiting for mass destruction to complete"
For example:
SELECT * FROM dbo.monProcessWaits where WaitEventID in (338,337,339)
SPID InstanceID KPID ServerUserID OrigServerUserID WaitEventID Waits WaitTime
197 0 1618412203 3174 0 337 1 31971350
324 0 36372758 0 0 339 7 1
523 0 36634904 0 0 339 5 1 - executing:
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc stack (spid#) -- shows
go - getpage_with_validation
- getpage__noscan
- pg_latchoam
- pg__updateoam
- pg__allocate_in_oamcreate
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
imdb, hang, MASS_DESTROY, MASS_STAT, "in memory", temporary, database, hung, 793963, CR793963, 803099, CR803099 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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