- During an upgrade using the Software Update Manager (SUM) with the Database Migration Option (DMO) an error occurs in phase EU_CLONE_MIG_UT_RUN
- The error message is found in MIGRATE_UT_<####clustertablename>_IMP.LOG ;
(DCL) INFO: found logical cluster description for DOKCLU in <path>/SUM/abap/migrate_ut/SAPDOKCLU.STR.logical
(DB) INFO: loading data in table "DOKCLU" with mass loader for LOBs #20151222083132
(IMP) INFO: starting import for object "DOKCLU" of type "table" #20151222083132
(DB) INFO: DOKCLU deleted/truncated
(DB) INFO: DOKTL deleted/truncated
myCluster (255.10.Imp): 4156: page zero missing; page 1 encountered instead.
myCluster: DOKCLU **FU****DDUT_TEXT_FOR_VALUE ****D****T****0036**
myCluster (255.10.Imp): 3250: failed to convert transparent fields of cluster item.
myCluster (255.10.Imp): 561: error during conversion of cluster item.
myCluster (255.10.Imp): 564: affected physical table is DOKCLU.
(CNV) ERROR: data conversion failed. rc = 2
SAP NetWeaver all versions
abort, corrupt, row , KBA , BC-UPG-DTM-TLA , Downtime Minimization for ABAP , Problem
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