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2267541 - Copying colored tables to another program turns them into B&W - SAP PD


  • We routinely copy and paste diagrams into Microsoft (MS) Word to share information for review with other team members. 
  • We are experiencing a problem where a team member copies and pastes table symbols from SAP PowerDesigner (PD) into Word and they always show up in black and white (B&W) even when they've been colored within PD.
  • If they paste into MS paint, the same problem occurs. Therefore, this does not appear to be a MS Word issue.
  • This problem is happening with all model(s) type(s). However, other team members are not experiencing this issue. If they have a table colored, then copy and paste into Word, it stays colored.

Is there a setting in PD that could control this?



  • SAP PowerDesigner (PD)
  • Microsoft Word


SAP PowerDesigner all versions


Cut, Export, Graphic, diagram, external, export, edit, B/W , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , How To

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